Weekly Summary #2

Weekly Summary #2
January 22nd-24th, 2019
Meghan Taylor

     On Tuesday, much work was not accomplished because the students had their awards for the nine weeks.  This entailed a pretty long little ceremony in the classroom where every student was called up and their accomplishments were spoken highly of.  From there, Ms. Mayer and I had to help every student un-clasp their chain, put their charms on, and re-clasp the chain for them to wear.  This seemed like it would go fairly quick, but the chains were difficult to work with.  But, on Thursday I finally could finish pre-assessing my students on their first 100 fry words that we were given.  (One student of mine had been absent for over a week, so I was happy I could finally meet and assess him.) 
     From watching the awards, all of the students are easily pleased with this reward system.  Five students were new to the class, so they had no previous charms but were more than excited to add new ones on and show them off to me and their friends.  All of the kids were proud of their accomplishments and the charms that they could wear for the day.  
     Personally, I find it difficult to teach sight words to the kids.  As the words are not something they can sound out, they still try to every time.  One little boy asks me, on every word he does not already know if it is "soundable."  This is one goal that I would like to work on for the following week: finding better ways to help implement the teaching of sight words.  I know repetition of the words is the biggest attribute to learning them, but finding different ways to incorporate the words through games seems harder than I thought.  Also, the "Boom" flashcard game did not work at all.  The kids would constantly be thinking of the word "Boom" rather than focusing on the words they were supposed to be reading.  Although it was fun for them, it was less educational and beneficial to their learning of the sight words.  
     If anyone has any great strategies, games, methods, or anything that can help me teach these kiddos their sight words, your comments would be greatly appreciated!  I need to learn to be more creative in this aspect; trying to be fun yet educational at the same time.
    For my CSS classroom, there was finally a teacher placed in the classroom on Thursday.  On Tuesday, it was complete chaos and the sub and paras resulted to just letting the students watch a movie, draw, or basically do anything.  Thursday was much smoother and there was actual teaching to be done.  I worked with one student while he worked on his standardized test.  I was allowed to read the questions and answers to him on this reading test, but he had to read the passages and write his own short-response questions.  This test took up the whole time I was there, and we still did not get to finish it.  This little boy is a perfectionist and struggles with reading so he spent a lot of time reading the passages to try to find the answer to every question.  This is a good theory and strategy for him to get the answers right, but it just took a long time for him to do.  (But, he was allowed extended and unlimited time so it was okay.) 
